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The Biblical Model For The Church:

At CCR we believe the model for church is found in the Bible, which is the pure and inspired word of God.


We certainly do not think we have figured everything out, and neither do we claim to be the, "only true church".  Our heart is to know Jesus more and press-on to follow what He has made clear in the Bible,  and to do so with faithfulness and love. (Philippians 3:12-14)


CCR was founded in 2016 in light of Jesus' great commission (Matt. 28:19).  The church is not called to entertain, or to just "convert people to the faith".  We believe Jesus has called us to "make disciples" which means to equip God's people to know Him, follow Him, and become fruitful for His glory.


One of the challenges for the modern church is to keep ministry Biblical, spiritual, and authentic.


How do we achieve that? Acts 2:42 gives us God's enduring model for the church. It is surprisingly simple, including 4 main essentials that the church must continually aim for:


And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine

and fellowship, in the breaking of bread,

and in prayers - Acts 2:42


 This means:

  • The study of Word of God   (Apostles' doctrine).

  • Fellowship   (Building each other up in a Christ-centered, authentic community).

  • The breaking of bread   (The Lord's Supper. Building our life on the "finished work" of Christ).

  • ​Prayer  (This means depending on the Lord in all things and worshipping Jesus in spirit and in truth)​.



How Does Acts 2:42 Practically Look At CCR?


If you attend CCR you will be welcomed and loved by the leadership and congregation.


You will also be encouraged and challenged in the following ways:


  • To know the Lord Jesus personally. (2 Peter 3:18)

  • To grow in knowledge of the Bible and it's practical application in daily life. (2 Tim. 3:16-17)

  • To become more and more fruitful for God's glory.  (John 15:8)


The heart of our Sunday Morning Service is to celebrate Jesus for who He is and all He has done for us, to provide discipleship from the Word of God, to enjoy fellowship, and to pray.  Just as Acts 2:42 describes.


These essentials are also found in the various meetings and ministries of the church. We regularly celebrate communion, the Lord's supper, on the first Sunday of every month.


We have a Mid-Week Fellowship that is open to all, usually on Thursday nights.  We also have a weekly Men's prayer and discipleship meeting to which all men are welcome.


You can learn more about those opportunities and many more ministries to children, women, missions and more, by visiting the various links on this site as they become available.


We are made up of regular people who love Jesus.  We come together from many different faith-tradition backgrounds, cultures, and demographics.  We are unified by what Jesus has done for us at the cross.  We are all about loving God and loving each other, as found in the Word of God and empowered by the Holy Spirit.  


We are a fully independent and autonomous church, yet we enjoy fellowship with many Bible-believing churches, and enjoy affiliation with the Calvary Chapel Association. 

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How To Give:

CCR is an independently run church depending solely upon God to provide through the cheerful giving and donations of God's people.


If you wish to give online, please send an eTransfer from your bank to


You can also visit the offering table just outside Theatre 6 on Sunday morning at the Cineplex, or mail in a donation to our physical mailbox. See mailing address here.


Thank you so much for your continued giving! All tithes and offerings are 100% tax deductible and are used to advance the kingdom of God.


For more information about what Biblical giving looks like click here.

Write Us

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PO Box 26081, Northgate,

Regina, SK. S4R 8R7






26-420 McCarthy Blvd N, Regina SK S4R 7M2, Canada

©2023 Calvary Chapel Regina.

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